Daruma bros.

Hello, dear readers!

How are you?

I just wanted to show you the small daruma I made. 

It was so much fun to make them because I've tried to decorate them very cautiously and didn't hurry to finish them. I love this daruma although they' re nothing special XD.

I guess today I will start with some new projects like a little mermaid and a maritime pillow slip.

What are your projects? What is your favourite amigurumi among the amigurumi you made?

Yours, Kero


  1. hiiii, it is very awesome!!!!!! I love it. It have a hard job, i think. Congratulations. Kiss

    1. Thank you! To make the details lasted longer than I thought but I'm happy with it.

  2. Hello!!! It's perfect!!! You did all characteristic I have a real one and it is like yours. Hugs!

    1. Very kind from you! :D It was really fun to make them and although they are nothing special I like them.


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